SANTA CLAUS #200284-02


Item #: 200284-02




If you liked Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,, this one's for you. Pitch, the mean-spirited devil, is trying to ruin Christmas. Santa Claus teams up with Merlin the Magician and the children of the world in order to save the day!

Narrated by K.

DVD Features:

  • Scene Selection
  • Dolby Digital
  • PC/MAC Compatible

Color, 94 minutes DVD 1959

Starring: Jose Elias Moreno, Pulgarcito - Jose Luis Aguirre Trotsky - Armando Arriola - Antonio Diaz Conde hijo - Angel Di Stefani - Lupita Quezadas - Nora Veryan - Polo Ortin - Manuel Calvo - Jose Carlos Mendez - Jesus Brook - Ruben Ramirez - Queta Lavat - Guillermo Bravo Sosa

Director: Rene Cardona

Vendor: WLV
Vendor #: 3185
Our Price: $5.99
Suggested Retail Price: $9.99
Package: Printed Sleeve

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