Antonio Bido (AKA Anthony Bido) directed this well-crafted Italian giallo thriller, which borrows from the masters of the genre – Mario Bava and Dario Argento. The story concerns a young nightclub dancer (Sylvia Kramer/Paola Tedesco) who witnesses a murder and the efforts of her lover (Richard Stewart/Corrado Pani) to track down the killer before he can get to her. With this film, Bido created a work that was both stylish and well plotted. Replete with the haunting atmosphere and gruesome deaths one expects from the genre, plus an outstanding musical score. AKA “Gatto dagli occhi di giada, Il” (1977, Italy)
"We carry light stock on this title. If we're awaiting a restocking order, it may take two weeks or more to ship to you. "
Color, 95 minutes DVD 1981
Starring: Richard Stewart, Sylvia Kramer, Franco Citti, Fernando Cerulli, Giuseppe Addobbati, Gianfranco Bullo, Jill Pratt, Bianca Toccafondi
Director: Antonio Bido
Vendor: VCI
Vendor #: 8299
Medium: Feature Film
Our Price: $19.99
Package: Printed Sleeve