"Series Synopsis: The Ed Wynn Show is a weekly comedy variety show with the focus on Ed Wynn, even though there were weekly guest stars. Ed is worth the focus as he performs many of the characters he perfected during his years in vaudeville and radio for the relatively new television audience. Ed is an icon, with many of his skits and characters imitated and parodied for decades in film, TV, and cartoons. One of the funniest and most underrated comedians in the history of show business and dubbed "the perfect fool", Ed is joined by top guest stars in one of the earliest series to be aired live from Hollywood. Originally broadcast October 6, 1949 to July 4, 1950."
Black and White, 120 minutes DVD 1949
Starring: Ed Wynn, Buster Keaton, Mel Torme, Dinah Shore, Virginia O'Brien
Vendor: SKVVendor #: 413Medium: TelevisionOur Price: $19.99Package: Printed Sleeve, No Picture Available