Martian adults are angry that their children have become obsessed with Earth TV shows extolling the virtues of Santa Claus, so come to Earth and kidnap him. The Martians grab two spunky children to lead them to the North Pole and Santa. Once on Mars, Santa and the kids overcome the Martians’ anger by introducing fun, happiness and Christmas cheer to the children of Mars.
aka Santa Claus Defeats the Aliens
Color, 81 minutes VHS 1964
Starring: Pia Zadora, John Call, Leonard Hicks, Vincent Beck, Bill McCutcheon, Victor Stiles, Donna Conforti, Chris Month, Leila Martin, Charles Renn, James Cahill, Ned Wertimer, Doris Rich, Carl Don, Ivor Bodin, Al Nesor, Josip Elic, Jim Bishop, Lin Thurmond, Don Blair, Tony Ross, Scott Aronesty
Director: Nicholas Webster
Vendor: HSV
Vendor #: 7008
Medium: Feature Film
Our Price: $12.99
Package: Printed Sleeve