"Series Synopsis: Eve Arden stars as a high school English teacher who is romantically interested in a hunky co-worker who's oblivious to her interest in him. A wonderful comedy where the characters meld into a charming ensemble cast "family" with traits that are delightfully odd--in a normal sort of way. The series began as a popular radio show broadcast from 1948 until it moved to television in 1952, bringing most of the radio cast along. Originally aired October 3, 1952 to Septermber 21, 1956."
Black and White, 55 minutes DVDR 1950s
Starring: Eve Arden, Gale Gordon, Richard Crenna, Robert Rockwell
Director: John Rich
Vendor: NFVVendor #: NFVMedium: TelevisionOur Price: $14.99Suggested Retail Price: $19.99Package: Printed Sleeve, No Picture Available