A concert singer travels to Africa trying to find his ancestry and culture.
Black Heritage
"Due to customer demand, Hollywood Select offers its full catalog on DVD-R in a market test. This title is part of that program. This is basically the VHS version of the title in DVD format. It will be delivered in a plain case with title information on the disc . . . no frills! Titles that sell substantially eventually will be offered in a chaptered version. This test DVD-R is offered without chaptered authoring. DVD-R discs are compatible in most newer DVD players and DVD-capable computers."
Black and White, 70 minutes DVD-R 1936
Starring: Paul Robeson, Elisabeth Welch, Esme Percy, Robert Adams, James Solomon, Ecce Homo Toto, Ronald Simpson, George Mozart, Jenny Dean, Joan Fred Emney, Bernard Ansell, Johnnie Schofield, Ambrose Manning, Arthur Elliott, Cornelia Smith, Sydney Benson, Alfred Goddard, Will Hammer, Arthur Wil
Director: J. Elder Wills
Vendor: HSV
Vendor #: HSV4141
Medium: Feature Film
Our Price: $14.99
Package: Printed Sleeve, No Picture Available